Guidance for Mainstreaming Gender in Urban Sanitation Systems
Prepared by the IRIS Group, this Gender Mainstreaming Guidance draws upon a comprehensive literature review and the gender integration action plans prepared for 7 CWIS cities. The overall goal of this guide is to provide evidence-based recommendations which can be applied to existing CWIS initiatives. Given that urban sanitation systems are dynamic and constantly evolving, these recommendations can also be used to innovate new strategies.
Date of Publication: 10-Apr-2021;Topic: Gender, Equity; Type: Learning Brief
Warangal Gender Integration Action Plan
Prepared by ASCI, this document on gender analysis sought to prioritize gender preferences, barriers, gaps, and opportunities to inform Warangal's activities, indicator development, and workplans.
Date of Publication: 10-Apr-2021;Topic: Gender, Equity; Type: Learning Brief
Wai Gender Integration Action Plan
Prepared by C-WAS, CEPT University, this document on gender analysis sought to prioritize gender preferences, barriers, gaps, and opportunities to inform Wai's activities, indicator development, and workplans.
Date of Publication: 10-Apr-2021;Topic: Gender, Equity; Type: Learning Brief
Narsapur Gender Integration Action Plan
Prepared by ASCI, this document on gender analysis sought to prioritize gender preferences, barriers, gaps, and opportunities to inform Narsapur's activities, indicator development, and workplans.
Date of Publication: 10-Apr-2021;Topic: Gender, Equity; Type: Learning Brief
Trichy Gender Integration Action Plan
Prepared by IIHS, this document on gender analysis sought to prioritize gender preferences, barriers, gaps, and opportunities to inform Trichy's activities, indicator development, and workplans.
Date of Publication: 10-Apr-2021;Topic: Gender, Equity; Type: Learning Brief
Lusaka Gender Integration Action Plan
Prepared by LWSC, this document on gender analysis sought to prioritize gender preferences, barriers, gaps, and opportunities to inform LWSC activities, indicator development, and workplans.
Date of Publication: 10-Apr-2021;Topic: Gender, Equity; Type: Learning Brief
Khulna Gender Integration Action Plan
Prepared by SNV, this document on gender analysis sought to prioritize gender preferences, barriers, gaps, and opportunities to inform SNV activities, indicator development, and workplans.
Date of Publication: 10-Apr-2021;Topic: Gender, Equity; Type: Learning Brief
Sewage and Fecal Sludge Treatment in Tiruchirappalli
This reports describes the current status of the treatment infrastructure in Trichy, the future plans for expansion and associated recommendations for improvement
Date of Publication: 27-Mar-2021;Topic: Safety, Resource Management/Financing Framework; Type: Learning Brief
Assessment of Community and Public Toilets in Tiruchirappalli
This report presents the assessment of CT/PTs in Trichy and elaborates on their operation and management models
Date of Publication: 27-Mar-2021;Topic: Equity, Safety; Type: Learning Brief
Desludging Operators in Tiruchirappalli: An Overview
This report provides details on desludging operators' profile, socio-economic background, enagagement with the local government and types of services provided.
Date of Publication: 27-Mar-2021;Topic: Pro-poor, Equity, Safety; Type: Learning Brief
Sanitation Situation Assessment: Tiruchirappalli
This is a sanitation situation assessment report, providing an understanding of existing sanitation arrangements, gaps, an action plan and the investment required to address deficiencies.
Date of Publication: 27-Mar-2021;Topic: Equity, Safety, Responsibility/Mandate, Resource Management/Financing Framework; Type: Learning Brief
Trichy CWIS experience
This presentation summarizes Trichy's experience towards Citywide Inclusive Sanitation under the Tamil Nadu flagship program - TNUSSP
Date of Publication: 27-Mar-2021;Topic: Pro-poor, Gender, Equity, Safety, Sustainability, Responsibility/Mandate, Accountability/Governance, Resource Management/Financing Framework; Type: Learning Brief
Gender Inclusive Sanitation: A step by step guide for Urban Local Bodies
Under the project, 'Intersectionality Informed Framework for Implementation of Effective Gender Mainstreaming in WSH', interventions on integrating aspects of gender into sanitation were adopted in 3 cities including Narsapur. This module describes the steps taken under this initiative and acts as a guideline for other ULBs to follow.
Date of Publication: 27-Mar-2021;Topic: Gender, Equity; Type: Learning Brief
Towards a Model Sanitation City: Operationalizing FSM Regulations in Warangal
A report covering initiatives and interventions specific to FSM, taken in each component of the sanitation service chain to sustain Warangal city as a model one
Date of Publication: 27-Mar-2021;Topic: Safety, Sustainability; Type: Learning Brief
Warangal: The model sanitation city
Prepared in 2011, it is a case study which gives a brief snapshot on the city's approach to achieving a sustainsable sanitation system
Date of Publication: 27-Mar-2021;Topic: Safety, Sustainability, Resource Management/Financing Framework; Type: Learning Brief