Dakar City Snapshot

This CWIS City Snapshot is designed to provide a compact summary of initiatives that are being implemented in Dakar, where the Office National de l'Assainissement du Sénégal (ONAS) is the lead implementing partner. This Snapshot outlines the pathway taken by Dakar to achieve its CWIS goals and tracks the progress being made, including key shifts in institutional and service delivery models to support safe, equitable and sustainable delivery of services.
Date of Publication: 17-Dec-2020;Topic: Pro-poor, Gender, Equity, Safety, Sustainability, Responsibility/Mandate, Accountability/Governance, Resource Management/Financing Framework; Type: City Snapshot
Standard Processes and Procedures for Results-based Financing Scheme for FSM
Prepared by ILISO Consulting Zambia for Peri-Urban Department, Faecal Sludge Management Unit, LWSC, this document offers SPPs for areas covering Emptying and Collection, Transport and Disposal, Invoicing, Verification and Payment and Coordination, Monitoring and Complaint Management.
Date of Publication: 15-Dec-2020;Topic: Responsibility/Mandate, Accountability/Governance; Type: Learning Brief
Monitoring & Verification Plan for Results-based Financing Scheme for FSM
Compiled by LWSC under its Lusaka Sanitation Program, this plan helps in monitoring and verifying the activities performed by the private service providers who are engaged under the results based Faecal Sludge Management (FSM) Business Model in Lusaka.
Date of Publication: 15-Dec-2020;Topic: Responsibility/Mandate, Resource Management/Financing Framework; Type: Learning Brief
Standard Operating Procedure, Emptying & Transport Faecal Sludge in Lusaka
Compiled by WSUP Advisory, this guideline serves to specify Standard Operating Procedures (SOPs) for Faecal Sludge emptying services, in particular for the manual and motorised services based on vacuum trucks and vacuum trailers (slurry tankers), for improved health and safety of the emptiers.
Date of Publication: 15-Dec-2020;Topic: Safety, Accountability/Governance; Type: Learning Brief
Minimum Standards for Onsite Sanitation Technology Options in Kampala
Compiled by KCCA under the Directorate for Public Health and Environment, this document is intended to assist households and KCCA to define the minimum standards for onsite sanitation technology options that can be adopted by the city. It serves to provide enforcement guidance to KCCA and assist in improving the FSM in the city.
Date of Publication: 15-Dec-2020;Topic: Safety, Accountability/Governance; Type: Learning Brief
Operational Plan for FSTP under COVID19 Emergency: Interim Guidance

Compiled by IIHS under TNUSSP, this document provides guidelines to be followed while operating the FSTPs during the COVID-19 pandemic, procedure for treatment plant shutdown (in case of emergency) and the procedure for resuming FSTP activities.
Date of Publication: 15-Dec-2020;Topic: Safety, Accountability/Governance; Type: Learning Brief
Guideline for FSTP Operators during COVID-19
Compiled by IIHS under TNUSSP, this guideline serves as a ready reckoner of recommended good practices to be followed by the FSTP operators while operating and maintaining the treatment plant, during the COVID-19 pandemic.
Date of Publication: 08-Mar-2021;Topic: Safety; Type: Learning Brief
Guideline for Desludging Operators during COVID-19
Compiled by IIHS under TNUSSP, this guideline serves as a ready reckoner of recommended good practices to be followed by the desludging operators while emptying, during the COVID-19 pandemic.
Date of Publication: 08-Mar-2021;Topic: Safety; Type: Learning Brief
Guideline for Sanitation Workers during COVID-19
Compiled by IIHS under TNUSSP, this guideline summarizes good practices to be followed by the sanitation workers involved in CT management while operating and maintaining the CTs during the COVID-19 pandemic.
Date of Publication: 08-Mar-2021;Topic: Safety; Type: Learning Brief
Personal Protective Equipment for Sanitation Workforce
Compiled by ASCI, this illustrated guide contains pictorial descriptions of various PPE gears to be used for different sanitation related activities. Details of proper usage of each equipment and contact references of places to buy them from, have also been included in this guide.
Date of Publication: 15-Dec-2020;Topic: Safety; Type: Learning Brief
Improving Safety for Sanitation Workers in Wai Municipal Council
Compiled by C-WAS, CEPT University, this report focuses on comprehending the condition of sanitation workers in Wai. The report recommends safety protocols to be followed in the city, covering sanitation workers’ profiling, understanding of contracts/guidelines and narratives from discussions with the workers.
Date of Publication: 05-Mar-2021;Topic: Equity, Safety; Type: Learning Brief
Training Workshop for Elected Women Representatives, Wai Municipal Council
Compiled by C-WAS, CEPT University, this is a report of the training workshop conducted for Wai’s Elected Women Representatives on local governance, focusing on FSSM. The objective of the workshop was to build capacities of Elected Women Representatives for effective functioning and participation in the city’s FSSM activities.
Date of Publication: 08-Mar-2021;Topic: Gender, Responsibility/Mandate; Type: Learning Brief
Institutionalizing FSSM services in Wai Municipal Council
Compiled by C-WAS, CEPT University, this is a study on desludging services in Wai and ways to institutionalize the services into the FSSM environment in the city. The study involves understanding of the utility’s (here, WMC’s) organisational structure, its roles and responsibilities and its reporting and monitoring mechanisms.
Date of Publication: 08-Mar-2021;Topic: Responsibility/Mandate, Accountability/Governance; Type: Learning Brief
Communication for Sustainable Sanitation
Compiled by C-WAS, CEPT University, this presentation details the communication approaches undertaken by Wai in areas of ODF, FSSM and CWIS, highlighting the importance of communication as a critical component of sanitation programme in a city.
Date of Publication: 08-Mar-2021;Topic: Gender, Equity, Safety, Accountability/Governance, Resource Management/Financing Framework; Type: Learning Brief
WASH in Health Care Facilities in Bangladesh
Compiled by SNV, this assessment report covers the policy review, stakeholders’ mapping and baseline census of six urban centers/cities, including Khulna.
Date of Publication: 18-Mar-2021;Topic: Equity, Safety; Type: Learning Brief