Performance Based Contracts for Engaging Private Sector in FSSM

Prepared by C-WAS, CEPT University, this flyer presents important information for performance based contracts while engaging private sector in providing FSSM services in a city.

Date of Publication: 08-Mar-2021;Topic: Responsibility/Mandate; Type: Learning Brief

Septic Tank Do's and Don'ts

Prepared by C-WAS, CEPT University, this flyer provides a quick snapshot of the do's and don'ts for households with respect to their septic tanks construction and maintenance.

Date of Publication: 08-Mar-2021;Topic: Safety; Type: Learning Brief

Pamphlet for Scheduled Desludging Awareness

This pamphlet prepared by C-WAS CEPT University serves as an awareness material for the residents of Wai, informing them of the initiatives by the city council, along with some illustrations on do's and don'ts.

Date of Publication: 08-Mar-2021;Topic: Resource Management/Financing Framework; Type: Learning Brief

Model Tenders for Scheduled Desludging

Prepared by C-WAS, CEPT University, this document serves as a model for a service contract for scheduled emptying of septic tanks in any city. The ready-to-fill format serves as a reference for any city planning to introduce a tender on emptying services.

Date of Publication: 08-Mar-2021;Topic: Responsibility/Mandate; Type: Learning Brief

Scheduled Desludging of Septic Tanks in Wai and Sinnar

This is a flyer on scheduled desludging prepared by C-WAS, CEPT University, with the general public as its main target audience. The flyer briefly explains what scheduled desludging means and how it works towards establishing a safe and sustainable sanitation system in the cities.

Date of Publication: 08-Mar-2021;Topic: Pro-poor, Equity, Safety; Type: Learning Brief

Scheduled Desludging of Septic Tanks in Wai

Compiled by C-WAS, CEPT University, this document presents a strong case for the need of scheduled desludging in cities, similar to the way solid waste management and sewerage are, as against the current model of complaint redressal.

Date of Publication: 08-Mar-2021;Topic: Pro-poor, Equity, Safety; Type: Learning Brief

Procurement Process for PSP in Wai and Sinnar - Challenges and Learnings

Prepared by C-WAS, CEPT University with support from Dalberg Global Development Advisors, this presentation details the findings from the assessment of the potential for appropriate Private Sector Partnerships (PSP) to provide these FSSM services and support the procurement process in the two towns in Maharashtra.

Date of Publication: 08-Mar-2021;Topic: Accountability/Governance; Type: Learning Brief

Sanitation Tax - An Innovative Way to Finance Sanitation Services

Prepared by C-WAS, CEPT University, this document explores the background of a sanitation tax for the services provision. It presents a strong case for the need of such a task by bringing experiences of having done this in Wai and Sinnar in Maharashtra.

Date of Publication: 08-Mar-2021;Topic: Pro-poor, Equity, Resource Management/Financing Framework; Type: Learning Brief

Wai - Citywide Inclusive Sanitation (Booklet)

Prepared by C-WAS, CEPT University, this booklet highlights Wai's journey towards becoming a model sanitation city, by adopting principles of Citywide Inclusive Sanitation.

Date of Publication: 08-Mar-2021;Topic: Pro-poor, Gender, Equity, Safety, Sustainability, Responsibility/Mandate, Accountability/Governance, Resource Management/Financing Framework; Type: Learning Brief

Local Toilet Contractor Assessment in Wai and Sinnar

Prepared by C-WAS, CEPT University and Dalberg Associates, this report provides an overview of different types of local toilet contractors active in Wai and Sinnar. It provides the findings on the assessment of awareness among contractors of design norms of toilets under SBM, and its cost implications and identifies key barriers for low adoption of toilets by households (from the perspective of the local contractors).

Date of Publication: 08-Mar-2021;Topic: Pro-poor, Equity, Safety, Resource Management/Financing Framework; Type: Learning Brief

Enhancing Own Revenue Income of Wai Municipal Council: Property tax and WSS taxes

Prepared by C-WAS, CEPT University, this note shows the impact of proper management of property tax systems on the city council's own income. The document focuses on improving revenues from own sources of taxes and charges to sustain operations and maintenance of the services and plan future capital projects.

Date of Publication: 08-Mar-2021;Topic: Resource Management/Financing Framework; Type: Learning Brief

Shit Flow Diagram Report, Wai

This Shit Flow Diagram (SFD) Report was created from Performance Assessment System (PAS) online database and through field studies made by C-WAS, CEPT University. It compares the SFDs from 2015 and 2018 to show the impact of the interventions implemented in the city.

Date of Publication: 08-Dec-2021;Topic: Safety; Type: Learning Brief

Assessment of Gender Related Interventions in CWIS Programme and Sanitation Service Delivery at Wai

Prepared by C-WAS, CEPT University in partnership with Participatory Research in Asia (PRIA), this document is an effort towards assessing gender related interventions in Wai. The findings from this study will inform decisions for gender inclusivity that could be taken by Wai Municipal council with support from C-WAS.

Date of Publication: 08-Mar-2021;Topic: Gender, Equity; Type: Learning Brief

Reuse of Treated Wastewater and Septage at Wai

Compiled by C-WAS, CEPT University, this document discusses the reuse practices followed in Wai, their further potential options for reuse and the details of the plan proposed by the Wai Municipal Council.

Date of Publication: 08-Mar-2021;Topic: Safety, Sustainability, Resource Management/Financing Framework; Type: Learning Brief

Minimum Standards for Onsite Sanitation Technology Options in Kampala (Second Edition)

Developed by the Directorate for Public Health and Environment of KCCA, this document lays out the minimum standards to be followed for onsite sanitation for household, public, and institutional places in Kampala. It provides a menu of technology options with technical specifications and guidance on the toilet selection process.

Date of Publication: 17-Dec-2020;Topic: Safety; Type: Learning Brief