Portrait de la ville de Dakar

Cet instantané de la ville se concentre sur la région de Dakar où l'Office National d'Assainissement du Sénégal (ONAS) est le principal partenaire d'exécution. Cette fiche d'information décrit le chemin parcouru par Dakar pour atteindre ses objectifs en matière de CWIS et suit les progrès réalisés, y compris les changements clés dans les modèles institutionnels et de prestation de services pour soutenir une prestation de services sûre, équitable et durable.

Date of Publication: 27-Oct-2020;Topic: Pro-poor, Gender, Equity, Safety, Sustainability, Responsibility/Mandate, Accountability/Governance, Resource Management/Financing Framework; Type: City Snapshot

Warangal City Snapshot

This CWIS City Snapshot is designed to provide a compact summary of initiatives that are being implemented in Warangal, where the Administrative Staff College of India (ASCI) is the lead implementing partner. This Snapshot outlines the pathway taken by Warangal to achieve its CWIS goals and tracks the progress being made, including key shifts in institutional and service delivery models to support safe, equitable and sustainable delivery of services.

Date of Publication: 15-Sep-2020;Topic: Pro-poor, Gender, Equity, Safety, Sustainability, Responsibility/Mandate, Accountability/Governance, Resource Management/Financing Framework; Type: City Snapshot

Wai City Snapshot

This CWIS City Snapshot is designed to provide a compact summary of initiatives that are being implemented in Wai, where the Center for Water and Sanitation (CWAS), CRDF, CEPT University (CEPT) is the lead implementing partner. This Snapshot outlines the pathway taken by Wai to achieve its CWIS goals and tracks the progress being made, including key shifts in institutional and service delivery models to support safe, equitable and sustainable delivery of services.

Date of Publication: 15-Sep-2020;Topic: Pro-poor, Gender, Equity, Safety, Sustainability, Responsibility/Mandate, Accountability/Governance, Resource Management/Financing Framework; Type: City Snapshot

Trichy City Snapshot

This CWIS City Snapshot is designed to provide a compact summary of initiatives that are being implemented in Trichy, where the indian Institute of Human Settlements (IIHS) is the lead implementing partner. This Snapshot outlines the pathway taken by Trichy to achieve its CWIS goals and tracks the progress being made, including key shifts in institutional and service delivery models to support safe, equitable and sustainable delivery of services.

Date of Publication: 15-Sep-2020;Topic: Pro-poor, Gender, Equity, Safety, Sustainability, Responsibility/Mandate, Accountability/Governance, Resource Management/Financing Framework; Type: City Snapshot

Narsapur City Snapshot

This CWIS City Snapshot is designed to provide a compact summary of initiatives that are being implemented in Narsapur, where the Administrative Staff College of India (ASCI) is the lead implementing partner. This Snapshot outlines the pathway taken by Narsapur to achieve its CWIS goals and tracks the progress being made, including key shifts in institutional and service delivery models to support safe, equitable and sustainable delivery of services.

Date of Publication: 15-Sep-2020;Topic: Pro-poor, Gender, Equity, Safety, Sustainability, Responsibility/Mandate, Accountability/Governance, Resource Management/Financing Framework; Type: City Snapshot

Lusaka City Snapshot

This CWIS City Snapshot is designed to provide a compact summary of initiatives that are being implemented in Lusaka, where the Lusaka Water Supply and Sanitation Company (LWSC) is the lead implementing partner. This Snapshot outlines the pathway taken by Lusaka to achieve its CWIS goals and tracks the progress being made, including key shifts in institutional and service delivery models to support safe, equitable and sustainable delivery of services.

Date of Publication: 15-Sep-2020;Topic: Pro-poor, Gender, Equity, Safety, Sustainability, Responsibility/Mandate, Accountability/Governance, Resource Management/Financing Framework; Type: City Snapshot

Khulna City Snapshot

This CWIS City Snapshot is designed to provide a compact summary of initiatives that are being implemented in Khulna, where the SNV Netherlands Development Organisation (SNV) is the lead implementing partner. This Snapshot outlines the pathway taken by Khulna to achieve its CWIS goals and tracks the progress being made, including key shifts in institutional and service delivery models to support safe, equitable and sustainable delivery of services.

Date of Publication: 15-Sep-2020;Topic: Pro-poor, Gender, Equity, Safety, Sustainability, Responsibility/Mandate, Accountability/Governance, Resource Management/Financing Framework; Type: City Snapshot

Kampala City Snapshot

This CWIS City Snapshot is designed to provide a compact summary of initiatives that are being implemented in Kampala, where the Kampala Capital City Authority (KCCA) is the lead implementing partner. This Snapshot outlines the pathway taken by Kampala to achieve its CWIS goals and tracks the progress being made, including key shifts in institutional and service delivery models to support safe, equitable and sustainable delivery of services.

Date of Publication: 15-Sep-2020;Topic: Pro-poor, Gender, Equity, Safety, Sustainability, Responsibility/Mandate, Accountability/Governance, Resource Management/Financing Framework; Type: City Snapshot

Fiche technique du CWIS: Systèmes et plans de traitement

Cette fiche d'information présente un aperçu des systèmes de traitement dans les huit villes du CWIS, y compris le matériel, le financement, l'exploitation et l'entretien, et les plans d'investissements futurs. La moitié des villes disposent d'un réseau d'égouts et sont confrontées à des problèmes similaires liés au vieillissement et à la surcharge des infrastructures. L'autre moitié dépend entièrement de l'assainissement autonome et tente d'améliorer l'évacuation des boues, ce qui contribuera également à une meilleure utilisation des nouvelles stations de traitement des boues de vidange. Néanmoins, les huit villes partagent un défi commun : comment investir durablement dans les infrastructures de traitement et les entretenir pour répondre à la demande croissante ?

Date of Publication: 16-Feb-2021;Topic: Safety, Sustainability, Resource Management/Financing Framework; Type: Factsheet

CWIS MLE FA3: Politiques et interventions en faveur des pauvres

S'appuyant sur la FA#2, cette fiche d'apprentissage passe en revue le processus de conception des interventions et compare les interventions et les politiques en faveur des pauvres mises en œuvre dans les huit villes du CWIS. Les interventions et les politiques diffèrent selon les villes en termes de taille et de portée, de la manière dont elles définissent et engagent les ménages pauvres et les communautés des bidonvilles, et, en fin de compte, des motivations qui motivent leur conception et leur mise en œuvre.

Date of Publication: 14-Sep-2020;Topic: Pro-poor; Type: Learning Brief

CWIS MLE FA2: Identification des ménages pauvres et des communautés des bidonvilles

Assurer la prestation de services d'assainissement pour les pauvres est au cœur du CWIS. Mais comment les villes identifient-elles les "pauvres" en premier lieu ? Ce dossier d'apprentissage couvre les approches de huit villes du CWIS pour identifier les bénéficiaires cibles de leurs interventions en faveur des pauvres. Il s'agit notamment des efforts déployés pour collecter des données permettant de concevoir et de suivre les interventions d'assainissement en faveur des pauvres dans chaque ville.

Date of Publication: 14-Sep-2020;Topic: Pro-poor; Type: Learning Brief

CWIS Factsheet: Treatment Systems and Plans

This factsheet presents a snapshot of treatment systems across the eight CWIS cities, including hardware, financing, O&M, and plans for future investments. Half of the cities have some sewer network coverage and face similar challenges around aging and overburdened infrastructure. The other half depend entirely on onsite sanitation and are trying to improve desludging, which will also contribute to higher utilization of the newly constructed fecal sludge treatment plants. Nevertheless, all eight cities share a common challenge—how to sustainably invest in and maintain treatment infrastructure to meet the growing demand?

Date of Publication: 16-Feb-2021;Topic: Safety, Sustainability, Resource Management/Financing Framework; Type: Factsheet

CWIS Learning Brief 3: Pro-Poor Policies and Interventions

Building on LB#2, this learning brief reviews the intervention design process and compares pro-poor interventions and policies implemented across all eight CWIS cities. The interventions and policies across cities differed in size and scope, in how they define and engage poor HHs and slum communities, and, ultimately, in the motivations driving their design and implementation.

Date of Publication: 14-Sep-2020;Topic: Pro-poor; Type: Learning Brief

CWIS Learning Brief 2: Identifying Poor Households

Ensuring sanitation service delivery for the poor is at the core of CWIS. But how do cities identify “the poor” in the first place? This learning brief covers the approaches of eight CWIS cities to identify target beneficiaries for their pro-poor interventions. These include efforts made to collect data for designing and monitoring pro-poor sanitation interventions in each city.

Date of Publication: 14-Sep-2020;Topic: Pro-poor; Type: Learning Brief

Maharashtra Preparedness to COVID-19: Compendium of Good Practices for Small and Medium Towns

Compiled by C-WAS, CEPT University, this presentation summarizes good practices by small and medium towns in the State of Maharashtra in response to the COVID-19 pandemic, with a focus on sanitation.

Date of Publication: 14-Sep-2020;Topic: Equity, Safety; Type: Learning Brief